What makes it
The Ovale di Sorrento
Limoncello DICAPRI is made exclusively with the Ovale di Sorrento, a superior lemon with a P.G.I. (Protected geographical indication) certification that guarantees its authenticity. Its aroma, balance, and richness of essential oils make this unique citrus fruit ideal for producing Limoncello DICAPRI. The Ovale di Sorrento is endemic of the area since the 16th century, and the first crops date to the 17th century, with evidence found in sales acts, paintings, and literary and botanical treatises. The Ovale is a medium/large-sized and oval-shaped fruit with an aromatic yellow peel and a particularly juicy, tart pulp.
It’s grown and cared for by knowledgeable local farmers and sheltered in the shadow of “pagliarelle”. These are traditional pergolas made by local growers using chestnut wood and protection nets to cover the lemon trees underneath and shelter them from cold and wind. This traditional practice creates a micro-climate within the grove, slowing-down the fruit-ripening process and giving the Ovale di Sorrento time to develop its unique aroma and taste. P.G.I. Sorrento Lemons used to produce Limoncello DICAPRI are sourced directly from the farmers, after a thorough selection during the harvest. A further selection occurs in the factory during the peeling process to choose the best peels that will be infused in alcohol.
Limoncello DICAPRI is made exclusively with the Ovale di Sorrento, a superior lemon with a P.G.I. (Protected geographical indication) certification that guarantees its authenticity. Its aroma, balance, and richness of essential oils make this unique citrus fruit ideal for producing Limoncello DICAPRI. The Ovale di Sorrento is endemic of the area since the 16th century, and the first crops date to the 17th century, with evidence found in sales acts, paintings, and literary and botanical treatises. The area has a typically mild Mediterranean climate, ideal for growing lemons. Like in the past, today the lemon groves lie on the slopes of the Sorrento peninsula and the island of Capri, descending towards the sea. Thanks to the mild climate and clay soil of volcanic origin, these lands give great tasting produce. The lemon groves here are called “giardini”; their main feature are the wooden pergolas which hold protection nets that cover the lemon trees underneath. This practice shelters the plants from cold and wind, thus creating a micro-climate within the grove and causing the fruit-ripening process to slow down, another key feature of these unique lemons. The P.G.I. Sorrento Lemons used to make Limoncello DICAPRI are sourced directly from the farmers, after a thorough selection during the harvest. A further selection occurs in the factory during the peeling process to choose the best peels that will be infused in alcohol.

A supply chain with integrity
Limoncello DICAPRI has implemented a vertical integration strategy, monitoring the whole supply chain from start to finish, from the lemons all the way to the final product. Our attention to extremely high quality means also caring about our territory and the environment at every stage of the production process. We believe that only by preserving the magic of Capri we can keep offering the best Limoncello DICAPRI.

Somewhere there’s always the yellow
of a lemon tree to remind us of light.
The making of Limoncello DICAPRI
Short supply chain
The main benefits are minimising spoiling and maximising the freshness of the finished product. Limoncello DICAPRI has implemented a vertical integration strategy, monitoring the supply chain from start to finish, from the lemons all the way to the final product. We have rigorous criteria for selecting our suppliers, such as their presence on the P.G.I. (Protected Geographical Indication) registry and the scrutiny of the methods used for growing, trimming and harvesting.
The guidelines protecting P.G.I. Sorrento Lemons used for Limoncello DICAPRI also regulate the processing area, which must be within the Sorrento peninsula and the island of Capri. Only liqueurs made in this area can claim the “P.G.I. Sorrento Lemon” denomination and use the official badge on the label. The European regulation No. 110/2008 recognises the Geographical Indication for the “Sorrento Lemon liqueur” and states that the production process must follow the strict rules of the protocol.
The main benefits are minimising spoiling and maximising the freshness of the finished product. Limoncello DICAPRI has implemented a vertical integration strategy, monitoring the supply chain from start to finish, from the lemons all the way to the final product. We have rigorous criteria for selecting our suppliers, such as their presence on the P.G.I. (Protected Geographical Indication) registry and the scrutiny of the methods used for growing, trimming and harvesting. The guidelines protecting P.G.I. Sorrento Lemons used for Limoncello DICAPRI also regulate the processing area, which must be within the Sorrento peninsula and the island of Capri. Only liqueurs made in this area can claim the “P.G.I. Sorrento Lemon” denomination and use the official badge on the label. The European regulation No. 110/2008 recognises the Geographical Indication for the “Sorrento Lemon liqueur” and states that the production process must follow the strict rules of the protocol.
Our quality is certified
The BRCGS Food (British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Food Safety) and IFS Food (International Food Standard) certifications ensure that the production of Limoncello DICAPRI follows requirements of authenticity, quality, safety and legality to protect the consumers. Limoncello DICAPRI has also obtained an ISO 9001:2015 certification for the quality of the production process and is Kosher certified. This means that its products comply with the dietary standards of the Jewish religion.

A continuous improvement
in sustainability
Thanks to the company policies towards sustainability at every stage of the supply chain and production process, Limoncello DICAPRI has obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certification, which assesses its environmental performance and lists the necessary activities for continuous improvement. Limoncello DICAPRI is one of the few Italian businesses in this industry to hold such a certificate.

Sustainable quality
Our commitment to quality is also achieved by creating a sustainable production.
A sustainable production is an active choice, born out of the awareness that we play an important role in the socio-economical system of our land. Sustainability is a continuous journey, that constantly evolves and takes place every day within the company.
We aim at a rational management of natural resources to limit consumption and reduce waste. From 2021 our energy is 100% green, sourced from renewable energy sources. We have reduced our water consumption year-on-year by 28% in 2021 and by 38% in 2020.
At the end of the production process,
100% of our spent peels are recycled and taken
to a biogas facility near Salerno
where they are turned into energy.
We carry out a rigorous risk assessment of soil,
air and water contamination and we have implemented an emergency response system
to prevent incidents from occurring.
We optimise the production process and minimise waste by choosing ingredients packed
with recyclable packaging materials.
We engage our supply chain
and select sustainable suppliers
that match our environmental aspirations.
We engage and train our employees
to encourage sustainable habits.